I have nothing but good memories of 2008, perhaps it was the year of living positively. Some of the highlights include the new Free 7.0s which I bought in January and have worn in every important race since; and the new desktop PC which is so much better than the five year old one, except for the stupid American Word 2007 spell checking. Then in races I ran a 19:25 5000m in Blacktown which could have been much faster if not for a very sore hamstring following the 10k race 2 days earlier, and the next day in Parramatta won an M55 silver medal in the AMA nationals for the Cross Country. Next: gold!? In May I celebrated turning 60, and then proceeded to break 5:20 for the 1500m, following that up with a good run for a silver medal in the ACT M60 8k cross country championships. Competition in the ACT is of a higher standard than the competition is nationally! And when track season started, I joined three others to break the national M60 4x800m record by 19 seconds. On those laurels I can rest, for now.
It's only a matter of time
The year's end sees me liking and playing ten songs in particular; nine of these were new this year.
1 Playing Along - Keane - Perfect Symmetry
2 I Am Free - Michael Gungor - Battle Cry
3 Crack The Shutters - Snow Patrol - A Hundred Million Suns
4 How Sweet The Name - Delirious - Kingdom Of Comfort
5 The Planets Bend Between Us - Snow Patrol - A Hundred Million Suns
6 Grapevine Fires - Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
7 42 - Coldplay - Viva La Vida
8 Lifeboats - Snow Patrol - A Hundred Million Suns
9 Perfect Symmetry - Keane - Perfect Symmetry
10 Your Heart Is An Empty Room - Death Cab for Cutie - Plans
I have resumed running reasonably fast; three km intervals averaging 3:44 is starting to look promising again. I would be very happy to average between 3:40 and 3:45 for my km sessions through summer. And it was good to see Gary, Katie, Amanda and Rachelle running fast 200s today at the same venue.
In 2008 we had our fill of motivational posters