speedygeese at last night's track meet.
M45 Rod Lynch 2:24.62 79.0%
M60 Kevin Chamberlain 2:30.33 85.3
M50 Gary Bowen 2:31.34 77.5
M60 Geoff Sims 2:33.79 82.1
W40 Katie Forestier 2:43.68 72.4
W40 Amanda Walker 2:57.10 65.8
W55 Kathy Sims 2:59.61 77.7
W50 Jill Pearson 3: 01.63 70.8
M60 Geoff Moore 41: 05.06 79.7%
M45 Mick Horan 41:45.95 71.5
M45 Roger Pilkington 44: 07.50 67.7
M50 Ewen Thompson 45:21.64 66.9
W35 Bronwyn Calver 47:56.32 64.4 pb
W65 Caroline Campbell 51:57.80 83.4
Next week there is a 4 x 1500m relay. I would like to get a team of four M60 men together to set an ACT record. I think an Australian record is not likely! Reason being, the M60 Australian record for 4 x 1500m is held by four very fast West Australians, set this year - 21.48.4 (an average of 5:27). On a good day, Kevin and I should get under 5:20 which means finding two others willing to try and run in the low 5:30s. Not impossible? And it doesn’t matter anyway. Just having a team of four will be fine.
One of the Western Australians who set the record was Jim Langford! My ambition to win gold in something next year may well be thwarted, having discovered that the legendary Jim Langford is in my age group, and running for Masters WA! So if I do end up improving enough to run well under 19 minutes in the 5000m, as is the plan, it still might not be enough for gold!
Yesterday's 10k in only 41.05 - splits 20:20, 20:44 - doesn't help. Although, I finished well ahead of my rivals, for a change. And the 5k split was faster than three recent 5k races have been. Conditions were warm and humid but we will have to get used to that if we are to be competitive in future interstate Masters events. Jim being from Perth would be used to worse, even warmer.
I still have a lot more training to do before I start running well. I had a great gym session this morning followed by another hot 10k training run. Next week I plan to move from two gym sessions to three a week, holding on to 90k weeks. I am taking it one step at a time; "you have to walk before you can swim".
Making full use of the track
Look! They're in different lanes! It must be a spiral!