Monday night training at Parliament House saw Bronwyn, Cathy, Christopher, Ewen, Gary, me, Helen, Jodie, Katie, Ken, Mick C, Mick H, Miranda & Neil run a 45 minute effort, stepping out for 200m of each 410m circuit. Twenty laps was the goal for the quickest runners and about five of us achieved it. Conditions for running were better than of late; the storms stayed away.
Track program this Thursday night:
6.00pm 1000/5000m walk
6.30pm sprint hurdles
6,40pm 200m
7.00pm 1500m
7.20pm 400m
7.45pm 3000m/5000m
Slaughtering the Turkeys
These turkeys weren’t elected. It was when Palin stepped out in uncharted waters after the quickest of learning curves that she fumbled the ball. Notice the activity in the back-ground. How tasteful!
song of the week: "15 step", by Radiohead, from "In Rainbows".
Edit: My custom is to connect disparate things in a post. Today's connections are: Gary was last Thursday's winner of the turkey handicap. We all felt like dropping after 15 steps of the cool-down when we had to start up again after last night's very hard training session. Canberra has recently felt as cold as Alaska. Sarah Palin had 15 steps of media popularity before she dropped herself right in it. Edit edit: The edit was a bit contrived. But I do like the song "15 step", definitely a favourite on the album.