Like the posts that have gone before, I started typing this way in advance. But all went to plan, we have returned after our voyage across the universe and back, safe and sound as they say. So I am amending this post for publication.
The backlog is horrific. But keep your ear to the grindstone and you will receive from me updates on more recent events very soon.
We have been seeing relatives and I am sure to find some suitable photos for display. Here's a photo stuffed with relatives. The photo was taken on 29 September 1909, so I doubt that any of these particular relatives will feature in any of the photos I have taken. Descendants of them will, though.
(clicketh to enlargeth) (note the appropiate use of ye olde englishe)
Footnote: A power surge took out my home phone answering machine while I was away! So any messages left there in the last three weeks have disappeared into the ether.