Saturday, 30 August 2008

• You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)

I am not an early riser - I believe the early worm gets eaten by the bird - and will only get up before 8am if I have to meet someone for a morning run or race. So I was a bit annoyed this morning when someone who's got my number rang twice before 7am today. And it was one of these deranged people who live on another planet and wanted to debate my wife about "what you said to me on Sunday". My wife wasn't even there where they were on Sunday, let alone having ever said anything to this person! Ho hum, the delights of knowing lots of people.

And today is Saturday! Sleep in, you silly people.

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth:

Flashduck: A new picture and two old ones:

Flashduck is spending three months living it up in Vietnam. You can read all about it on her blog!

Flasher Duck

And what do all you experts make of this?

Some people seem to think records should be broken only "in an orderly fashion", bit by bit. I say, limits are all in the mind!

Follow the Leader? What leader?