Tuesday, 15 July 2008

“When I’m Sixty-Four”

'World's oldest blogger' dies at 108
A 108-year-old Australian woman hailed as the world's "oldest blogger" died Saturday after posting her final entry on June 26th, news.com.au reports.

Olive Riley, who was born in 1899, shared tales of growing up in the early 20th century, recounting everything from washing day ("You 21st century people live a different life than the one I lived as a youngster in the early 1900s," she wrote) to living through two world wars.

She began writing her blog — or "blob" as she called it — in February 2007, and her great-grandson Darren Stone said she "enjoyed the notoriety — it kept her mind fresh."

"What kept her going was the memories she had, and being able to recall those memories so strongly," Stone told news.com.au.

In her last entry, Riley told friends that she still felt "weak, and can't shake off that bad cough. Eric read a whole swag of email messages and comments from my internet friends today, and I was so pleased to hear from you. Thank you, one and all."

Golly, if I live to be 108 I will have run out of Beatles song titles! In fact I may even have run out of them when I’m 64! See http://worldsoldestblogger.blogspot.com/

Monday Night Training
At Parliament House last night were Caroline, Cathy M, Ewen, myself, Jill, Jodie Sims for the first time, Joel, Kathy S, Kirsten for the second time, Neil, Rachelle, Ruth, and Yelena who had a good run. We did our 20 x 100m hill sprints on 90 seconds. Two more weeks of these are planned before we change to "something else".

Another Gold Coast update: Kirsten ran 1:54.59 in the Half.

Happy Birthday Mick H, 49 today!

Mick (centre) running at Stromlo Forest Park.

Coming Events:
Tomorrow is the BBQ Stakes 6k as usual.

Saturday the Cross Country Club have their "Longstaff/Pennington" races at Weston Park. A choice of 4k, 8k or 16k. I imagine the 8k and 16k start together at 1:00pm and the 4k is earlier. These are run on a 4k loop on the grass by the lake. [Edit. 4k at 12:15. 8k & 12k, not 16k, at 1:00]

Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park:
I didn’t know about this until last night, so it’s likely you didn’t either!
ACT Olympic Council
2008 Olympic Team Fund Raising Event

"This Fundraising Event is being called the "Stromlo Forest Park Event" and is being conducted by the ACT Olympic Council in support of the Australian Olympic Council, 2008 Beijing Olympic Team Fund.
The event will be conducted on Sunday 20 July from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm"
See http://www.athleticsact.org.au/images/documents/sfp_event.doc for more information and the entry form.

Change of Training Time
On Fridays I have been training at Stromlo Forest Park, and from this Friday on the meeting/start time will be 12 noon. Anyone is welcome to join me there, whether for one Friday or many. The warm-up will start at noon sharp and you can join in then or later than that if you wish, I won't be rushing away.

Thursdays at Dickson continues as usual. The lights weren't on last week but that can be explained by the rain causing an official track closure. It's fine now. Come along anyway, we will go for a run along the road if the track is closed again.