The countdown to the Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival has served its purpose and got me to the 25k today. It was very rocky only at its first high point and the rest of it was runnable. And no racoons, but plenty of kangaroos. I will add the speedygeese results as soon as I have them, but I was pleased with my own run, being an old guy of 60 whose physio said on Monday not to run hills for two weeks because of tight and sore hamstrings, possibly strained, and who is in the third week of an unshakeoffable cold, still ran 2 hours 3 minutes for this course, i.e. sub 5s, and felt very good right through to the end, something to do with backing off up hills, backing off down hills, and no flat bits to worry about.
Here's the contour map. Love the switchbacks towards the end!
And here's the 25k course itself
I don't know if 2:03 is a good time, I have nothing to compare it with. Nevertheless I seem to have got through it unscathed, which is the important thing.
I met up with interstate running bloggers Jen_runs, Horrie, and Eagle, as well as locals Strewth, Aki and CJ. Maybe some of these will write up the day, see the right hand column for the latest.
Tomorrow I hope to get to the Mt Taylor handicap, and I hope to get to the track to watch Aki run an 800, and Southy, Ewen and Yelena run a 3000m.
Then it's back into the routine. Things look bright today!