As you can see if you are able to decipher the anagrams yesterday especially in the post comments, I have gone temporarily anagram crazy. Long words and phrases are easy to find anagrams for, there are often hundreds of possibilities if not thousands. Short words are easy too because many possibilities can be seen very quickly. So I have been playing with anagrams out of some of the readers' names:
Ewen's name gives us
"Newsmen photo"
for example; we always knew he was a celebrity. See photo below.
Someone could start a blog called
“Benefit Sahara”
and no-one would know it was Tesso using an anagram of her real name.
Similarly, we can accuse Strewth as being
"Sunburnt as Ham!”
and tell her that
“Ants Run Ambush”
“Bra Stuns Human”.
Rachelle's full name, being long, has some good ones:
“Well, belle, car, shoreline?”
“Halloween rebel cell, sir!”
“Belle – reel worn Achilles?” [ah – so close!]
“Well, loner: beer? Achilles?”
although one could simply take her first name and see she would
“Cheer all”.
Kelley's got a good anagram:
“Eye Doll, Folk!”
As for me, if you take my full name "Geoffrey Lewis Moore" there are a couple that work well:
“If ewe, formerly goose”
"Me goose: we fly or fire!”.
Anything reasonably long has thousands of possibilities, from the sublime to the risqué. And if you get one of those stupid emails which says "Believe it or not! An anagram for "John Winston Howard" is "....... "", please don't forward the email to me. I believe it, but it's not the ONLY anagram.
Beware as I will be sneaking in the odd anagram in the near future. And of the few that appeared yesterday, the significant one, in case it snuck under your radar, was "Lil Faropo", an anagram of "April Fool".
Strewth ducking as an anagram flies past.
Photo by Ewen .. who's in it.. hmmm!