speedygeese at today's Jogalong:
Michelle W ~27.34
Amanda ~28.09
Rachelle ~28.24 pb
Helen ~28.29
Cathy M ~31.45
Now that the Jogalong is over, next month is the Women's, and not forgetting the Girls', Fun Run:
"The 2008 Women and Girls' Fun Run is on at 9 am Sunday 6 April at Stage 88, Commonwealth Park.
"The race charity is Marymead Child and Family Centre.
"Full details here
"Entry forms will be emailed or mailed to entrants from the last two years and will also be available at Club runs and The Runners Shop.
"Online entry is now available at RegisterNow
"Download Entry Form (pdf) here
"Results (when available): here "
How to attract younger people to our Veterans Athletic Club, part 103:
(a) Move to ANU to be among the youth. Replace Vetrunner with a comic strip. Call it "Track Masters of the University". Buy He-man costumes for the throwers, Skeletor costumes for the long distance runners. Wage war games.
(b) Buy more containers and hire graffiti "artists" to deface them. Ring the Canberra Times and complain. Lots of free publicity ensues!
(c) Spice up our race meetings by inviting along the Spice Girls, Britney, and other celebrities.
(Actually that last one might work quite well for our demographic)
Real suggestions welcome, I'm compiling a list.
Highlights of this week's running blogs:
space for rent
Only one week until the Weston Creek Half Marathon!
This year's new course. Start/finish Black Mountain Peninsula.
See you at Parliament House, 5:30pm tomorrow! Early starters 4:30.