Little did I know I would turn into a goose.
Three gray geese in the green grass grazing. Gray were the geese and green was the grass.
Today Roger A and Miranda joined me for some 200m intervals on the green green grass of Stromlo, our last Saturday session. We ran 12k altogether. Mick H was there for our warm-up. I will be running some Wednesday lunchtime sessions there in the next few months (see below)
How to get fitter and faster
The key to getting fitter is to run regular long distances at a good pace, supplemented by interval training and speed work. The main training to focus on is the long running, which should be run just about as fast as you can go without compromising the on-going training plan. But when you come to Parliament House, Dickson, or Stromlo, the short and fast running there is additional to your main focus of keeping up longer distance running. And any jogging you do during the week is also supplemental to the main thing, solid long runs.
With that in mind, here is where we are meeting in March and April for speedygeese speed work:
Parliament House:
We will continue training there every Monday as at present. 4:30pm for early starters; 5:30pm main session warm-up. But not on Easter Monday.
Track training at Dickson oval, Antill St, will re-commence Thursday 27 March and continue every Thursday after that. Start time at Dickson is 5:30pm.
I will be using Stromlo a couple of times a month for some of my intense training. Anyone else is welcome to join me there. The first such Stromlo sessions will be on Wednesday 16 April and Wednesday 30 April. Starting time to be announced, but tentatively 11am. This would only be for people who aren't working then, obviously, and who cannot make Thursday night training. I know of three who said they'd participate and I need to check when they can come on those days. So if you want to join me there, the question is, what time suits? I can get there as early as 11am and that time suits me best; but a little later would be OK. Any suggestions?