30th Anniversary Jogalong, February 2008
After running a strong 5k track yesterday in the ACT open championships, today Thea took nearly a minute off her jogalong pb at the special 30th Anniversary Jogalong, attended by half the runners from jogalong #1 of thirty years ago, and by the Chief Minister, John Stanhope. A record (I expect) 300 runners - women, girls and boys - raced. Some of our newer speedygeese ran - Michelle had her second ever jogalong run, taking five minutes off her time from March last year, chopping her pb from 37 minutes to 32 minutes. Christine O ran her first ever Jogalong with a time just over 42 minutes, a good start! And regulars included Amanda (or "Mandy", see below) and Rachelle, who were very speedy indeed, despite their hard racing and training of the last few days.
Thea's new running style
Just let her pass if she catches you in a race!
And Sonia now in Melbourne says "Hi" to everyone. She writes!!
"Sorry it has taken me so long to email, I am not working and usually avoid computers like the plague! But I had to email you today, we ran "The Tan" this morning, I took the two lap option (8km) and did it in 36.57. It doesn't sound very good does it but I was bloody pushing it the whole way with one of the men in my new running group. Given that I was nearly at the vomiting stage, I would have thought I could have gone quicker but there was a massive hill (well it was massive on the second lap anyway).
"I have found a fantastic new running group that set off four times a week from a big park nearby, we have even ventured to a track a couple of times to run four hundreds. Our fearless leader is Charlene Rendina! I can't believe I just stumbled into her running group but I am glad I did. She is wonderful and my new running idol. We are not a big group, usually between 4 and 8 each session but we have been doing lots of different things so I am really enjoying it. I am just hoping some of Charlene's running ability rubs off, I doubt it will.
I am very glad Mandy is running so much without me, it was tough for both for us at first but I'm sure you looked after her for me.
"Now Geoff, just because I have found Charlene, doesn't mean I don't miss the speedy geese and our speedy coach HEAPS!
"Apart from the running which is going well, we are all settling into Melbourne well."