Thursday, 28 February 2008

Splash 'n Run


How fast should we be doing our long runs? According to Marius Bakken, "The Kenyan secret comes from years of training at the right intensity – and a few years with harder track work." And the "right intensity" is very very fast very very long running. See the article here.

So: wind back the clock and run long, long, long when you were a teenager.

Sadly clocks race forwards, faster as the years progress
Animated Gifs Take 3
I was wrong. Google Docs for uploading animated gifs does work after all - or it does if you can still see a counter madly counting, above. Simply use "upload" - "photos" - I was using upload documents, wrong! (Thanks, LL)

This week is the first time I remember having DOMS, I was very sore a couple of days after the 10k, but have no injuries! I feel great now, but will have another week's rest from racing to get me back to normal. But no rest from training. So when I read on other blogs about DOMS, now I know it's real! It's no fun being sore, and it certainly makes one think twice about whether long runs should still be fast, if they might mean having to reduce pace drastically for days afterwards, and having to miss targeted races.

Where's the Fun in That?
Etiquette #2: "* Don't run through puddles splashing other runners, unless you want to be chased and dunked." I fail badly on that one! Don't I, Jeni, Rachelle? But running should fun. It is specially fun when you don't have to run seriously full throttle all the time.

Steeplechasers have been known to splash and run.
This too looks like fun, pity you have to work so hard to achieve it. Or maybe that's the point?

Keep on running and one day you too will make a splash!