Happy Australia Day. (Hugs).
Our results from Thursday night track
M45 Mick Horan 2:15.72 84.2%
M45 Rod Lynch 2:28.14 77.1
M60 Kevin Chamberlain 2:31.95 83.7
W35 Bronwyn Calver 3:01.27 63.1
W55 Kathy Sims 2:59.56 76.6
M45 Roger Pilkington 14:25.33 57.7%
M55 Neil Boden 13:16.84 66.9
W35 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 13:25.12 63.2
W40 Amanda Walker 12:58.67 67.4
One Hour
M45 Richard Faulks 14,776 metres
M45 Roger Pilkington 13,600
M55 Geoff Moore 13,874
M60 Geoff Barker 11,518
W30 Jeni Greenland 12,826
W35 Bronwyn Calver 12,137
W60 Margaret McSpadden 10,625
Spread the Word
If you need an ACT uniform, especially if you need one for the AMA Nationals at Blacktown in March, you should contact Rosemary Parker asap to put in your order. Rosemary and Bob will be going on holidays soon and must have the orders in before they go. Speak to Rosemary now!
Jogalong results from 3 January have finally arrived and look like this ... if I get a revised version I will post it.
Emma Adams W35 26:45
Barbara Tucker W55 60:02
Amanda Walker W40 28:43
Cathy Montalto W55 61:45
Bronwyn Calver W35 59:35
Caroline Campbell W65 59:16
Rae Palmer W60 58:58
Thomas Series placegetters.
Vetrunner describes Ewen as "ever consistent"!!!!
Note - those without beards were first and second.