Four people turned up for our first earlier start at Stromlo today; Katie, Ken, Amanda and I. The grass was damp today, so we ran on the road, and I took a while to get going, running 4.37, 4.16 and 3.48 for the kilometres, but the other three ran as quick or quicker than they have on the grass. Timing was perfect: 7:30 through 9:00 coincided with a break in the weather.
A Game: TucogasRoom. Quite good as room escape games go.
Results: I am still waiting to see the Jogalong results from two weeks ago, and Vets track from this week. I will post them asap.
Stretches I actually do #3. Floor hamstring stretch.
Holding on to a belt or towel looped around the ankles:
1. Lying on your back, pull one leg in (knee slightly bent) and contract for ten seconds / relax for ten seconds. Repeat x 2 more times. Then swap legs.
2. Lying on your back, pull one leg in (leg straight this time) and do contract / relaxes again. In the contract step, push the heel upwards and don't let the hips rise off the floor.
3. Another set where you pull the straight leg in and slowly take it to one side of the body while keeping hips on floor. And then to the other side, before swapping legs.
At each contract step you push the leg against the belt or towel. At each relax step you should be able to draw the leg in a little further than the previous contract/relax.
Stromlo on Saturdays
We will keep meeting at 7:30am. Will the twelve people who voted for the earlier start actually turn up next time, I wonder?