Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Too Long On The Ground

Ululate – ergo, greet a Lulu!
Friend Lulu has been advised she spends too much time on the ground. That puts me in mind of a new focus – get those feet barely touching the ground! Running on the toes (midfoot actually) and not the heels, with a very quick step, is important. We need ground-o-phobia – we are trying to fly not to plod. The quickest possible touch down and departure is what we are after. OK, the muscles around the ankle and calf need training to do that, but a quick tempo and short stride should help.

Madam, I’m Adam.
Adam Robinson ran Honolulu in 5:14ish - a sore achilles meant a lot of walking after 25k. He now has a suspected stress fracture of the shin, so won't be running for a while.

Thursday track program.
5:45pm 3000m run (GM) and walks
6:15pm Long Hurdles 200m/300m/400m
6:25pm 60m
7:00pm 800m- handicap
7:30pm 200m
8:00pm 10000m ACT Championship
8:20pm Relay 4 x 100m

Any of the Vets can run in the 10000m, opting to pay and enter the ACT open championships as well if they wish. I recommend at least the women runners enter, as the chance of getting a medal in what will be a small field will be high! But our Vets 10k championship will be later in the season.