Friday, 21 December 2007

Red rummy geese see gym murder

Christmas (cracker) jokes
Two snowmen are standing in a field. One says to the other: "Can you smell carrots?"

Two goldfish in a tank, one turns to the other and says "How do you drive this thing?"

Why did the cat in the desert think it was Christmas? He saw sandy claws.

Last night's track
I wasn't there! I was feeling stuffed (as a Christmas turkey). I went for a jog in the morning and was reduced to walk/shuffle, so I thought a rest in the afternoon was over-due. And there were things needing doing at home - like helping move the "new" fridge into its permanent location.

Canberra Marathon
Entry forms have arrived. You have only until 14 March, else it's late entries on the day at an increased charge. I will be entering. My plan is to target a sub 3:10. Although this far out, who knows? Lots of info on the website. The race itself is on 13 April.

A Game
The next in the series: Submachine 2 - The lighthouse. Great fun!

I think 2008 will be my year of the palindrome, as subheadings I guess. There are more palindromes than you can poke a stick at. Pity the year isn't labelled "2002". "Ken, I, Nyad, Rob, Al did Labor Day nine K". We have until "Labor Day" to recruit a "Nyad". The others we have.

Be 'green': one erg, E-B!

Speedyself, Rachelle E-B, and Colin Farlow in party mode.