And Geoff Barker ran third in the 18k. Well done speedy geese!
Monday Monitor
My training progress
last week’s target: 84k
achieved: 72k
year total to date: 3,587k in 48 weeks
this week’s target: 70k
weight: 67kg ▲
song of the week: “Transatlanticism”, by Death Cab for Cutie, from the "Transatlanticism" album. "I need you so much closer".
I was going OK last week until my lower back seized up on Saturday. Really badly this time. The common connection with that and other recent back soreness is ... my Friday swim. So that's it, no more swimming.
Here is a group of us running on the mown grass at Stromlo last month. The Spring Series race is there tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm, then from Saturday this week I will be training there with anyone who wants to come along. I will arrive at 9am. I hope to establish a regular Saturday morning training session there, right through summer at least.