Sunday, 16 December 2007

Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna

I am developing an interest in palindromes. More to come. Any "geese" ones out there? "Geese" should be an easy word to reverse in a sentence...

Keep taking the dried frog pills
My all time favorite author by far, Terry Pratchett, has been diagnosed with a very rare form of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. A side-effect of a stroke he had two or three years back. Terry is my age, my birhday is six days after his. Among my favourite novels of his are "Pyramids", "Thief of Time", "Jingo", "Small Gods", "Last Continent", "Going Postal", "Weird Sisters", but they are all brilliant. For a full list see

"I remember yesterday. But the memory is in my head now. Was yesterday real? Or is it only the memory that is real? Truly, yesterday I was not born." - Terry Pratchett, "Thief of Time"

I was reminded this week how weird it was coming out of general anaesthetic once; losing that time felt like I was no longer me. It shook me badly. I thought: a sense of continuity is crucial to my sense of identity.

The nature of time is another of my interests.

Interesting Times
At last, real signs of improvement - my Stromlo kilometre intervals yesterday averaged ten seconds faster than last week's - down from a 4:02 average to a 3:52 average. My legs actually felt strong for 200-300m of each km. Haven't felt like that for a while, it's a feeling I'd LIKE to be continuous through the whole km.