Wednesday, 26 December 2007

All in a van, an able Ma races in a gelato total e.g. anise, caramel, banana, vanilla

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas fun, fellowship and feasting. Fitness is back on the menu today. A good thing about this morning's run was (a) no traffic, and (b) a few fellow runners taking advantage of the fine cool morning to tour the Canberra streets.

The Christmas Carol poll was a convincing win for "good for about 2 weeks of the year". I thinks so too, though I can understand people having stronger feelings either way!

One year's progress?
Looking back - temporarily - I will end this year slightly slower and slightly heavier than last year, but having totalled a few more kms. And last year I was preparing to train at Aranda, where we had a small and faithful group doing speed work on Saturday mornings, whereas this year I am preparing to promote Stromlo, which promises to be the best training venue ever seen, whether for sprints, middle, or long distance running.

The green green grass of Stromlo