Make hay while the sun shines
Vets track last night was cool again, as it usually is this time of year. The numbers seemed down; not a lot of takers for the steeplechase, obviously. Then they all came out of the wood-work for the last race of the night, the 3000m/5000m. I heard a few complaints about the handicap starts I gave the 200m runners, ah, nothing's changed. We press on. Persistence is a virtue. Good to see Trevor there helping out, but I didn't really have a chance to catch up. I thought I saw Charlie in the stands, but it must have been an hallucination; I don't recall seeing her start in any of the races and she wasn't there when I looked a second time. Great runs by my speedygeese team-mates in the 800m and 3000m though. I survived both and ran darn sight faster times than I did in the last two weeks.
1111 posts, doesn't time fly. That's why I am crazily running everything at the moment; making hay while the sun shines. And why I am swimming once a week, the fall-back plan has been put into operation. For when it's needed any year now.
A game
Here is one for you to go on, it's a complete waste of time: a paper throwing game. As for me, I am still playing WoggerMini, up to level 72 now. Keep on swimming, keep on swimming.
What sun?