Friday, 12 October 2007

Australian Sunset Ostriches

I am feeling patriotic today. "Australian Sunset Ostriches" is what my daughter Loani used to sing for the first line of our national anthem when she was very little. Of course, that was before stupid political correctness changed the first line from "Australian Sons let us rejoice" to "Australians all let us rejoice". Anyone with any brains would know that "sons" in that context means "heirs". Changing words of old songs because their meaning might have changed since the songs were written is nothing short of vandalism.

I see in the local paper that our beloved political leader has discovered that original Australians do actually exist. How convenient. Just before an election and all. Well, one that will be announced any year now. Hurry up, this madness must not continue!

On matters closer to the point of this blog, Sunday's half marathon target, 4:10 per km, should result in a time of 88 minutes and a yet to be determined number of seconds. But the course looks like it is on public pathways and winds around a good deal. Hmmm.

And. Two weeks to go, still, to daylight saving. About time! And then an election. And hopefully, some rejoicing after that.

Flying the flag on Australia's longest river, the Murray