Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Shut Your Eyes and Sing To Me

Snow Patrol at Monday night's concert. A sensational 90 minutes.

Speedygoose, gander and two goslings were at the Snow Patrol concert as well as us, as you may have discovered from the Cbox entries. And Speedygoose spotted Jenny and I across the crowded room and came over and said hello. She has very good eyesight for a goose; I could barely see them at that distance and certainly wouldn't have recognised them. Not sure about your band recognition though, hey Sg?

SpeedyKen took training on Monday night at Parliament House while we were at the concert. Present were Emma, Adam, Alan, Helen, Ewen, Sonia, Ruth, Cathy M, Joel, Yelena, and Ken. The girls were in mean form and Joel saved his best for the last like a good sprinter!

Thought for the CTFR: "Anyone can run 100 meters. . . . It's the next 9,900 that count!"