Monday Morning Monitor
My training progress
last week's target: 96k
achieved: 96k
year total to date: 2,673k in 34 weeks
this week’s target: 100k
weight: 66.5kg ▼
I have a hectic schedule this week, and the world athletics is on, I don't think I can fit in more than 100k. It is nice to run pain free at last... let's hope things continue that way. I think... if I just keep doing tempo runs in place of races for a few months, I should be OK in the longer term. Straits not so dire any more.
song of the week: “Brothers in Arms”, by Mark Knopfler.
There are some songs which are never out of date! Get yourself a large mug of nice warm coffee – sit back – and enjoy. Heaven! (If you have Aussie pseudo-broadband, like me, you might first like to “pause” it and let it load). And a version is on the blog playlist.
I remember taking a very young Nathan and Loani to the outdoor stadium at Bruce, and standing in the pouring rain, close to the stage, we experienced the most awesome sound and light show by Dire Straits. As can be verified by any resident of Kaleen or Giralang at the time. They were loud! They were good! They played all their hits!
They were mighty good.