Monday, 23 July 2007

Monday Morning Monitor

My training progress
last week's target: 66k
achieved: 59k
year total to date: 2,327k in 29 weeks
this week’s target: 66k
weight: 67kg ►◄

I missed two days due to a bad sore throat, and I finished the week very tired. So we will try again this week! The hammie is.. so-so.

Cross Country results? "No race results are available for this event", I guess that's because it was a championship. So I can't yet report how we went, instead, here is some publicity for this coming Saturday:

Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival:
Campbell High School, Saturday 28 July 2007:

Off-road running and bush walking event from the centre of Canberra through Mt Ainslie, Mt Majura, Goorooyarroo and Mulligans Flat nature reserves.

7.30am Early bird start for slow runners in 60km ultra and 42km marathon
8.30am Bush marathon; marathon relay; 60km ultra; 25km bush walk
9.00am 16km and 25km bush runs and 16km bush walk
9.15am 5km run

Details from John Harding 42 Stanley St, Hackett 2602, and at

Speedygeese Bush Capital Pre-entrants
16k run Peter McDonald, Geoff Barker, Caroline Campbell, Richard Faulks

25k run Mick Horan, Maria O'Reilly, Ewen Thompson, Emma Adams, Annette Sugden, Bob Harlow, Peter Hogan, Helen Larmour

42k run Roger Pilkington

Rising Star

Another rising star in our training group, Emma loves mountains and is racing the 25k on Saturday. Emma is hard to spot in a race when she wears her "Where's Wally" uniform!