I do do like time-wasting point and click games. This one is excellent.
Why can't I run faster?
To improve dramatically over middle and long distances, short interval training is essential. But I consider that interval training ought be done on a solid base of long distance running, built up over many months and years.
Once you have that base however, you really should move down to the shorter faster running instead of forever running long, as good as that feels! Then you will see new pbs and possibly new records!
Those who join our group because they see how well we thrive on interval work, should really consider the fact that getting lots of kms under the belt is the first priority, not the intervals. Not initially, anyway. After that, look what happens!
Four SpeedyGeese who set an Australian record recently:
Colin Farlow and Rod Lynch with their M45 4 x 800m Australian Relay Record certificates. The other two runners were Amalendu Edelsten and Mick Horan