Saturday, 30 June 2007

Coach Potato

"There is a great advantage in training under unfavourable conditions. It is better to train under bad conditions, for the difference is then a tremendous relief in a race." - Emil Zatopek

I am still not running. I am getting fatter. I am turning into a coach potato. But I am catching up on my administrative backlog, and I have got as far as level five in puzzleland. I am walking around Homebush all next week. That might reverse the slide into physical fatness.

Best wishes to Scott McTaggart in the Gold Coast marathon tomorrow. Scott is running his first ever marathon and is hoping to break 2:14. Advice from Deek and from Mona included feeling like you are out for a Sunday jog initially, then starting to pick up the pace a little from the half way mark. Very sound!

The Canberra Times Fun Run is only eleven weeks away! I have just completed drawing up a training program for the fun run for one of the athletes in our training group. If anyone else would like a copy of the program, please get in touch & I will email it to you.

W55 4 x 1500m Australian relay record holders

Yet another speedygoose foursome with Australian record certificates. This time it's Jill Brown, Carol Baird and Maureen Rossiter. Missing from the photo is Kathy Sims

Friday, 29 June 2007

The Long and the Short of it

Emil Zatopek on Interval Training - "Everyone said, 'Emil, you are a fool!' But when I first won the European Championship, they said: 'Emil, you are a genius!'"

I do do like time-wasting point and click games. This one is excellent.

Why can't I run faster?
To improve dramatically over middle and long distances, short interval training is essential. But I consider that interval training ought be done on a solid base of long distance running, built up over many months and years.

Once you have that base however, you really should move down to the shorter faster running instead of forever running long, as good as that feels! Then you will see new pbs and possibly new records!

Those who join our group because they see how well we thrive on interval work, should really consider the fact that getting lots of kms under the belt is the first priority, not the intervals. Not initially, anyway. After that, look what happens!

Four SpeedyGeese who set an Australian record recently:
Colin Farlow and Rod Lynch with their M45 4 x 800m Australian Relay Record certificates. The other two runners were Amalendu Edelsten and Mick Horan

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Seventy years young.

We were to have a 2k time trial at Dickson tonight but continuing rain has closed all ACT Sportsgrounds. Plan B is to have the time trial next Thursday. I won't go out to Dickson tonight as I am still unable to jog and was only going there to hold the watch.

Next week I am in Sydney for both the Monday and Thursday training sessions and will get someone else to organise them for me.

Meanwhile here is another fine photo from this Month's Vetrunner magazine, which is available for download at

W70 4x800m World Relay Record

The ACT team which broke the world record, consisting of Cory Collins, Consie Larmour, Anne Young and Alison Ide

Daylight Saving
I heard today that daylight saving will be extended next year. SA, TAS, VIC, NSW and the ACT are moving to six full months of daylight saving. This year it will commence at the end of October as usual, but in 2008 it will end on Sunday 6 April, and resume on Sunday 5 October. That is great news for our Thursday night track meets in October!

I am not sure we will even have track meets in October this year though. I heard that the Italian contractors laying the new track at Bruce, which was to have been ready in July, have gone home. Apparently the weather was unsuitable for the work and they have other contracts to fulfil. Fancy the middle of winter in Canberra not being ideal weather! I am also not sure what to do about about my plans to hold time trials at Bruce leading up to Riccione. With Bruce unavailable, the closest synthetic track is Campbelltown, Sydney! And to think people believe Australia has good sporting facilities.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Marking Time

"What has passed is already finished with. What I find more interesting is what is still to come." - Emil Zatopek

While for some teachers in Canberra it has been Marking time, I have been marking Time: just icing the leg and waiting for the rain to stop out there. We had six degrees maximum yesterday, but that was achieved at 9am after which it dropped to four degrees for the rest of the day. It rained here and produced snow down south. The leg icing might have been a pain in the cold weather, except we have a nice warm house so it is all good. And who wants to go anywhere in these conditions, let alone run outdoors?

It is the third of our 2k time trials tomorrow. And last week I forecast a water logged track, remember? It should be fun. If the track is not closed. The rain is forecast to intensify today and tomorrow.

Report on Monday night training:
Emma, Helen, Katie, Yelena, Caroline, Kathy, GeoffB, Neil, Ewen, Joel, Adam, and Ken ran 20 hill sprints on 90 seconds - I am so sorry I missed it!

Song of the Week. Hallelujah was sung by Rufus Wainwright in the movie Shrek. The original version was by Leonard Cohen. Here is a live version by Bon Jovi. With songs like this to listen to, who cares if I am not outside, running?

Record Holders

Debbie, Maria, Helen & Kerry with their W45 4 x 1500m Australian record certificates

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

What are AST percentages?

In yesterday’s ACTVAC handicap results I have included the AST% figures, and will do so in future, because they are an interesting way of comparing the times of each runner which takes their age into account.

What are AST percentages?

AST stands for “Age Standard Times”. They are calculated against the actual age of each competitor in an event.

In 1989 the World Association of Veteran Athletes (WAVA) developed the first age-graded tables in one-year age increments and they have since been updated.

The tables are composed of world class standards as a function of both age and distance. That means that for every age starting at age 8 and going to age 100 there are standards for every long distance running event, for every common track & field event, and for race walking.

Using the data in the tables it is possible to determine an age graded time (as seen in the results of the Australian Masters Championships in Hobart) and the equivalent percentage (as provided yesterday and with most ACTVAC results.)

Here’s an example of how the calculations are done for three masters men in a 10K race.

In the above example, the 64 year old man had the best performance, even though he had the slowest finishing time.

Rough “classifications” are recognised to be as follows:

100%= Approximate World Record Level
Over 90%= World Class
Over 80%= National Class
Over 70%= Regional Class

So when you see the AST% listed, you know that the higher scores are the better results. The scores give everyone a new incentive to improve their performances in a measurable way. And provide you with new rivals to challenge as you try and get a higher AST% than someone who has been ahead of you. Not to mention an extra reason to celebrate your birthday every year, not just every five years!

Are you short of energy?
Here's Katy's solution!

Monday, 25 June 2007

Beard Advantage

"It is not gymnastics or ice skating you know." - Emil Zatopek, when asked about his tortured expression during races.

Our runners at Mount Ainslie 9.3k. Often a backmarker's course, but not so this year. Martin Butterfield with a beard advantage in the cold weather won the handicap by a mere eight minutes, from Robert Ey having a very good run.

14 Peter McDonald M50 46:12 69.5%
21 Kathy Sims W55 46:26 81.9
22 Rod Lynch M45 36:22 84.3
25 Geoff Barker M60 47:25 73.1
29 Maria O'Reilly W50 42:32 86.0
44 Amanda Walker W35 43:51 73.5
46 Richard Faulks M45 37:59 81.2
48 Colin Farlow M45 36:23 83.2
61 Mick Horan M45 40:19 76.0
64 Alan Duus M60 46:20 74.7
69 Geoff Sims M55 49:06 68.8
70 Michael Freer M75 55:54 78.1
80 Charlie McCormack W40 45:56 70.9
81 Caroline Campbell W60 52:54 81.5
83 Annette Sugden W40 46:18 70.7
86 Peter Hogan M60 52:30 65.7
94 Barbara Tucker W55 57:06 68.0
101 Tony Booth M65 53:45 70.2

Mount Ainslie 4.5k: Kevin Matthews had a return-to-form win, with George Kubitzky second

14 Ken White M50 0:18:15 81.1%
18 Gary Bowen M50 0:18:21 78.6
24 Neil Boden M55 0:20:37 73.6
29 Katie Forestier W40 0:19:08 78.1
50 Maureen Rossiter W55 0:25:47 68.1

Monday Morning Monitor
My training progress
last week's target: n/a
achieved: 19k
year total to date: 2,226k in 25 weeks
this week’s target: I still might not be able to run...
weight: 66.5kg ▼

Saturday's road running at Molonglo Reach
Women’s 10k
1. Kathy Southgate W50 38:07
11. Thea Zimpel 43:18

Men’s 10k
27. Richard Faulks M45 38:47
42. Mick Horan M45 42:09
60. Geoff Barker M60 49:47

Sunday, 24 June 2007

To out run a tiger?

"Great is the victory, but the friendship is all the greater." - Emil Zatopek

Two friends are walking in the jungle. Suddenly a tiger appears in the distance running towards them. One friend pulls a pair of Nikes out of his bag and quickly puts them on. With a surprised look, the other friend says, "you don’t really think you can out run that tiger with those?" I don’t need to out run the tiger”, his friend replies, "I just need to run faster than you”.

.. this week is at Parliament House on Monday for hill sprints - I may not get there, especially if I am told I still should not be running - and at Dickson on Thursday, where I will be timing a 2k time trial.

And this coming Sunday is the women's jogalong. I should be able to get there this month to cheer you on.

If you are running the Googong Dam Half Marathon this Saturday, best wishes. I hope the weather is great, 'cause the course sure 'aint!

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Emil Zatopek

“Why should I practise running slow? I already know how to run slow. I want to learn to run fast.” – Emil Zatopek.

The amazing Emil Zatopek - from, Zátopek is probably best known for his amazing feat of winning three gold medals in athletics at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki. He won gold in the 5km and 10km runs, but his final medal came when he decided at the last minute to compete in the marathon for the first time in his life and won. He also broke the existing Olympic record in each of the three events. His victory in the 5km came after a ferocious last lap in 57.5 seconds, during which he went from fourth place to first while Christopher Chataway, now second after being overtaken by Zátopek, tripped on the curb and fell.

Another link is

Is it cold where you are?
No, you're dreaming. Here in Belconnen it was minus 6 to plus 7 yesterday. And I went for a run. It was sunny all day!! If not for the sun, it might have been cold.

Today in Belconnen it felt like another -6 start. It was -5.5 in Tuggeranong this morning, and Belconnen is usually 1 or 2 degrees colder.

Here is Tuggeranong Don's take of this morning's weather:

I wonder what the male runner at the back is looking for?

Torn hamstring symptoms:
See I am possibly a grade 2 (two months?!) but certainly not a grade 3!

Friday, 22 June 2007

Thursday Track Training

Who was there: Matthew Neil Colin Me GeoffB Tony Joel Ken,
and Yelena. Where were the other girls?

What we did: a partly anaerobic session. Particularly aimed to help 800m runners.
(a) 100 on 100 off x 8 (4 laps)
(b) 50 on 100 off x 8 (3 laps)
(c) 100 on 50 off x 8 (3 laps)
with a short break after each set allowing everyone to catch their breath.

It was a beautiful night. The temperature was close to zero degrees with a lovely cool breeze. Matthew forgot his beanie and gloves. He won't forget again. No one shed items of clothing; all jackets etc stayed on through the three sets of sprints.

The session achieved its objective: I think this is the first time I have set an anaerobic agenda and had everyone in serious pain at the end! So last night's pattern will be noted and used again.

Next week: is the third round of 2km time trials.

Times achieved in the first two rounds:
Colin 7:09, 7.06
Rod 7:28, 7.22
John Lamb n/a, 7.44
Ken 7.46, 7.50
Matthew 8.16, 8.11
Maria 8.32, n/a
Roger 8.47, 8.32
Amanda n/a, 8.48
Geoff S 8.49, n/a
Neil 8.52, n/a
Kathy 9.25, n/a
Tony n/a, 9.09
Adam 9.38, 9.09
Caroline 9.50, n/a
Ruth 10.30, 10.45
Margaret 10.45, n/a

Conditions have not been ideal for the first two rounds, so I am predicting a waterlogged track next week and even faster times.

Shoe collection: only just bigger than mine and Friar's put together!

Thursday, 21 June 2007

800m Time Predictor

It is difficult to predict 800m times, based on what you can do for other distances, with any degree of accuracy!

It is much easier to compare times across 1500m thru marathon, because these distances are predominantly endurance events.

It is also easier to compare times across 100m thru 400m, as these distances are predominantly strength events.

The 800m is a unique mix of strength, endurance (aerobic capacity), and anaerobic capacity.

The 400m is also partly anaerobic, particularly for us slower Masters athletes.

There are various Time Predictors around, and they tend to give wildly different results.

For example, take a look at, which compares various predictors. Their "average" column might be a good as any.

Even thinking about whether improvements in one distance will carry over into improvements in another distance, one must know how specific your training is.

Some training carries over. Some doesn’t. Training which improves you for one distance may have little or no affect on other distances.

As a rule then, there are three possible sets of distances one can specifically be training for at a given time.
(a) 100m to 400m
(b) 800m
(c) 1500m and above.

Even then, specific 400m training can compromise the 100/200.

And for elite senior athletes, the 1500m might be grouped with the 800m rather than grouped with longer distances, again because we are not elite senior athletes.

Our non-elite masters training group will focus on strength (hill work) and anaerobic training (interval work with short recovery) for the next six weeks.

But do check out to see what you might be capable of.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

How I Hurt the Hammie

I shouldn't have raced on Anzac Day. It was only ten days after the marathon; I had run a reasonable time the day before at the BBQ Stakes, and when I got to the relay venue, I found out that I hadn't been included in the Life Members relay team although I had let them know I was available. But then I talked my way into being given a place in the team, not without resistance despite others running more than once. I should have shut up and gone home! The run was reasonably fast, but seemingly without problems, that is until I tried to pass the baton to the next runner. She (Beryl) took off too early, perhaps thinking me to be faster than I was. I stretched forward to get the baton into her hand, and "ouch"! A twinge at the top of the left hamstring. Only after feeling a bit sore there while trying to train later did I realise there was some damage. What followed was a slow BBQ Stakes and a slower Half Marathon, and the pain has seemed worse each day. Finally I got some professional advice; yes a tear, and no mustn't run. It is still sore now, so mustn't run!

Moral: Don't race two days straight. And avoid relays at all costs!

The plan is to resume running tomorrow, even if it means breaking my runs up into small components...

A riddle
Q: What is silver and hurts when it gets in your eye?
A: An airplane!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


Someone has put my favourite song and my favourite movie together… AWESOME! And what a poignant ending.

It is Run by Snow Patrol, with clips from Lord of the Rings.

Now if only we had real broadband here in Stray-ya so it would load seamlessly... well, after it starts loading, the trick is to pause it, let it finish downloading, then play it through.

Monday Training
And the training group did some good work in snowy weather last night - hill sprints from Amanda, Sonia, Maria, Kathy, Helen, Katie, Jelena, Ewen, Gary, Mick C, Alan, Neil, Joel, Adam, Geoff B & Ken

Monday, 18 June 2007

Monday Morning Monitor

The CANADA FUN RUN FOR CHARITY, the Fun-Run-formerly-known-as-Terry-Fox, was held yesterday morning. The top 25 runners in the 5k and 10k are timed and recorded. We were well represented in these results, although not in the 10k men with its 39:30 cut off. Well done to all who ran, I am sure there were some good times back in the field.

Female 5km
5 Katie Forestier 20.27

Female 10 km
1 Kathy Southgate 38.42
7 Emma Adams 43.07
8 Helen Larmour 43.10
14 Amanda Walker 44.36
15 Sonia Verdhofen 44.37
17 Thea Zimpel 46.41

Male 5km
20 Ken White 20.04

It appears certain people ran together, or else are very close rivals.

My training progress
last week achieved: 8k
year total to date: 2,207k in 24 weeks
this week’s target: ?
weight: 67kg ▲
I have a serious hamstring injury. Should I resume running despite the fact that the hamstring is no better? We will see. I might be able to get away with jogging each day.

After the long trip to Brisbane, we walked into our son's house where we were greeted by the daughter-in-law. "So," she begins, "how long do you want to stay for this visit?"
"However long you want us," I responded.
What!" she exclaims, "You don't even want to stay for a coffee?"

By the way Scotty, the above is totally untrue, we had a wonderful time in Brisbane and our host and hostess were just perfect. And those two little grandsons were delightful.

Do I spy Tuggeranong Don or a very close likeness (blue t-shirt, sunnies) and many other familiar faces all around... click to enlarge.

Edit: Another 10k time, Mick Horan ~40.40. You cannot miss him in the photo, four across from Don, next to someone who looks suspiciously like Helen. Isn't it amazing how you can recognise someone with just a few pixels as clues?

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Wild Life

BERLIN (Reuters) - An aggressive squirrel attacked and injured three people in a German town before a 72-year-old pensioner dispatched the rampaging animal with his crutch.
The squirrel first ran into a house in the southern town of Passau, leapt from behind on a 70-year-old woman, and sank its teeth into her hand, a local police spokesman said Thursday.
With the squirrel still hanging from her hand, the woman ran onto the street in panic, where she managed to shake it off.
The animal then entered a building site and jumped on a construction worker, injuring him on the hand and arm, before he managed to fight it off with a measuring pole.
"After that, the squirrel went into the 72-year-old man's garden and massively attacked him on the arms, hand and thigh," the spokesman said. "Then he killed it with his crutch." The spokesman said experts thought the attack may have been linked to the mating season or because the squirrel was ill.

Ewen is the caption winner for Friday's photo.
'I'd better time myself. These ultra runners are so slow at stopping the watch'

Saturday, 16 June 2007


Runners are experts on the weather. Perhaps we should volunteer to be BOM weather predictors; although forecasts like “beautiful running weather” and “run your 80k in the first three days of the week, before the cold change arrives” might nonplus the average citizen. The BOM website is excellent; but I came across the “weather channel” website when searching for dam level data, something BOM doesn’t report..

Major city dam levels have been hardly affected by the rains this week and last. Thursdays reading had
SYDNEY: 36.9%, but I heard in the news it is now up to 39.2%
HOBART: 68.2%
PERTH: 20.5%

See for any updates.

Friday, 15 June 2007

Freezing Friday

Thursday training
I don't know if anyone ventured out last night; it was trying to snow here; Dickson oval's elevation is close to 600m and the snow East of Canberra was down to 600m yesterday, so when the weather closed here in Holt (my home is also 600m) at 5pm, I decided not to venture out and head East to the track. In any case, I am recovering from injury, so I would have been standing/walking/freezing and not running.

A game
If you are enjoying the games, here is another: a superior series of logic puzzles. logic puzzles part one. These are click/drag/type puzzles. That is, to solve them, you need to do some clicking, some dragging, and some typing.

Synchronised starting

Click to enlarge. This photo just cries out for a humorous caption... any suggestions?

Footnote: The photo shows Carol Baird (ultra champion) and Griffin (simply a champion) seeing off two of the backmarkers in the Frylink (short distance) monthly ACTVAC handicap - John Lamb (better known as a middle distance track runner) and Katie. From one group back I managed to chase down John in that run, but couldn't quite catch Katie.

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Let There Be Floods

Queensland Travel Story
Sunday 3rd was the day of Half Marathon at Doomben... It was humid and warm and windy, but the locals said it was cool. Everything is relative! I hadn't run much in preparation because my hamstring/glute was too sore ... sure enough, I couldn't achieve the 4 minute k target at all, the legs just would not turn over fast enough (does anyone else have this problem?) ... at 3k in 13 mins with sweat pouring off me from the effort, the body said "enough" ... at 5k in 23 minutes I told my body to take a running jump and picked up the pace a bit again, the incentive was to stay in front of the 100 minute balloons. Which I just managed.

Monday 4th was stinking hot at lunchtime when I jogged for two hours. And the hammy was a bit sore, But hey, where did that calf pain come from?

Tuesday 5th we went out to a playground with our grandchildren, the sun disappeared and it became cloudy and cool. The word best describing this is "harbinger". No run today.

Wednesday 6th we decided to go to Australia Zoo but the heavens opened and it poured; we drove up the highway 20kph under the speed limit given the conditions. (But we noticed that, as in Canberra, Brisbane truck drivers and P platers are exempt from driving safely). The lovely scenery was not visible. At that stage the weather was confined to SE Queensland and wasn't predicted to move SW and take hold in NSW the way it did. No run.

Thursday 7th we drove to Tenterfield. A pleasant drive.... No run. and Friday 8th to Muswellbrook. Not having a radio in the car, we had no idea that storms had hit the Hunter region. On the way there, Armidale at lunch time was freezing cold; the servo attendant said it had been beautiful weather until that day. Soon after Armidale we experienced light drizzle, which continued for the rest of the afternoon. At Tamworth we had to get out of the way of police cars and ambulances tearing up the highway to an accident in the wet, presumably. When we arrived at Muswellbrook we had no trouble finding accommodation, as many of the long weekend events had been cancelled due to the weather. Yes, lots of rain, news to us. No run.

Saturday 9th we visited a Hunter winery and cheese factory, quite a few tourists actually, and locals talking of heavy damage to their properties the previous day. Afterwards the drive to Newcastle that afternoon was through flood waters the whole way - the highway was open and the towns weren't cut off yet; water was receding but there were many abandoned cars, a common sight for the next 24 hours. After we had passed through, the rivers rose and did cause many closures. (We also saw for the first time the open cut coal mines; the previous day was the announcement that despite protests another would be built). Newcastle itself was a scene of devastation - many streets closed, traffic bottlenecks towards the CBD, most places without power, only a few service stations operating, cleanup work being done everywhere. We didn't get to see the big ship washed up on Nobby's Beach - that would have been some sight, but traffic jams put paid to that idea. We called in to see some friends in Adamstown (Newcastle suburb) and then found that the motels we had planned to check out were without electricity (watching TV by candlelight would have been tricky), Our friends had the bright idea of letting us have the house across the road for the night while the occupants were away! With their knowledge of course. So we had luxury for one night of our holiday. No run.

Sunday 10th we drove to the Central Coast to visit my cousin who had just returned from his mother's funeral in Adelaide (we hadn't known about this Aunt dying until the 9th, messages were left only on our home answering machine; that's all 3 Aunts departed in close succession) - saw damage everywhere first hand again including road subsidence (five people died in a car when the highway collapsed under them; how close were we?), then headed home to find Canberra had no rain at all when these storms were happening further North-East... and the rivers were kind enough to rise and cut of roads and towns only after we had passed through the storm ravaged areas. No run.

It's good to be back. But it sure is cold here. Yesterday the minimum here in Belconnen was minus 6, the maximum plus 7. Last night it rained; snowed in some areas (Sutton, Bungendore). And yes, I have a hamstring tear; sustained in fact way back on Anzac day when I stretched too far forward trying to hand a baton on in a relay race! Monday's attempt at running was my first for a week and I won't run again until this is fixed. 'Cause, the next big event is four months away and I want to be right for it. The calf is not torn, it just went out in sympathy.

Photos. I have updated with new photos of all the grandchildren, including the Brisbane ones of course.

I am cutting down to one cup of coffee a day. Of course, it is a LARGE cup.
You go away for a few weeks and when you return, Geelong are on top of the AFL ladder. That can't be right!

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Recent speedygeese results

Results ACTVAC Handicap Oakey Hill 7.5k
5 Charlie McCormack W40 35:27 73.6%
13 Richard Faulks M45 30:31 80.5%
15 Alan Duus M60 36:49 75.1%
17 Mick Charlton M55 40:57 64.1%
19 Helen Larmour W45 34:11 80.0%
21 Colin Farlow M45 29:33 82.1%
22 Geoff Barker M60 39:11 70.8%
36 Maria O'Reilly W50 35:09 83.5%
38 Rod Lynch M45 29:45 82.6%
40 Amanda Walker W35 35:57 71.7%
57 Peter McDonald M50 39:27 65.3%
68 Tony Booth M65 39:39 75.1%
75 Margaret McSpadden W60 45:28 70.2%
77 Cathy Newman W45 35:51 75.0%
78 Ruth Baussmann W55 44:19 69.6%
84 Michael Freer M75 46:42 74.2%
95 Annette Sugden W40 39:22 66.8%
100 Mick Horan M45 38:01 64.6%
102 Roger Pilkington M45 40:51 60.5%

Oakey Hill 3.5k
15 Ken White M50 14:33 81.4%
19 Katie Forestier W40 14:50 81.5%
22 Neil Boden M55 16:14 74.6%
37 Gary Bowen M50 15:15 76.4%

Results Pennington 12k
23. Richard Faulks M45 50:59
41. Roger Pilkington M45 57:21
51. Mick Charlton M55 66:48

Longstaff 8k – women
4. Kathy Southgate W50 32:54
9. Ewen Thompson M50 41:13
11. Geoff Barker M60 41:49
19. Adam Robinson 42:39

Doomben Half Marathon - my official time was 1:38:47.1, giving me 174th in the field, or 8th M55.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

How we trained

Monday night was a relatively still night; quite cool though. Because it was a holiday, some would have run earlier in the day. Those who did train were Adam, Alan, Emma, Ewen, Geoff B, Kathy, Ken and Neil. We ran 12 intervals on the small grass oval. I seem to have badly hurt my left calf to add to my strained glute and sore foot, both also on the left leg. So it's off to the medical professionals. They have patched me up in the past.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Monday Morning Monitor

My training progress
achieved last 3 weeks: 134k
year total to date: 2,199k in 23 weeks
this week’s target: 100k
weight: 66kg ▲

The Brisbane holiday meant that much less running was done. I will get back into a routine this week, and maybe run a slow 100k in total. The Terry Fox 10k is scheduled for Sunday. Would anyone like me to pace them? Nice and slow would be good.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Guess where I have been?

1. We decided to return to Canberra from Brisbane via the New England Highway and tour around the Hunter Valley district.
Hunter Valley is flooded, devasted, roads closed, towns cut off, rivers rising. We arrived after the torrential rain and left before the rivers rose, but not before a number of people died.

2. Then proceed to Newcastle and visit some friends.
Newcastle is mostly without electricity, has a coal carrier washed up on the main beach, and many closed roads. We arrived after their three nights of (a) thunderstorms (b) rainfall and (c) high winds.

3. Then visit some relatives on the Central Coast.
I would say every property we saw had some damage. Mostly from uprooted trees or fallen branches.

So we were in the three main disaster areas of the state as it was happening. We are very lucky to have timed it as we did and get through! And that's not all, more will be revealed! We haven't unpacked yet; I will tell a fuller story in a couple of days. Needless to say, we are home in one piece.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007


Our last full day in Brisbane. we decided to spend the day at the sunshine coast. The original plan was to go to Australia Zoo, but continual pouring rain meant an indoor venue was essential. So off to Mooloolaba and the underwater world for the day, awesome.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Australian Mountain Running Championships

1. Training: I heard that Griffin, Emma, Helen, Alan, Adam, Kathy, Strewth, Amanda, Sonia, Katie, Ewen, Geoff B, Yelena & Joel, Neil & Ken turned up last night at PH and all but the least brave ran 15 by 40 secs on 2 minutes. I will be back next Monday!

2. Coming Event: The Australian Mountain Running Championships are on Mt Majura in Canberra on 16 June. See

If you are intending to run, you should get your entry in as soon as possible. You don't have to be an elite runner. The most interesting field at the moment is the M70, which will be contested by Bob Chapman, Rad Leovic, Max Scherleitner, Tony Krantzcke and Ray Bramwell, proving you are never too old.

The M60+ and W50+ do have an easier course but still have to go to the summit and back.

For the elite, this is the primary selection trial for the World Mountain Running Championship (12.6km men; 8.4kms women) on 15 September in Ovronnaz, Switzerland. See

The courses for the Australian Championships are exactly the same as those for the 2005 Championships when the cut off for Australian team selection was 62:40 for the men's 13.3kms; 52:15 for the women's 9kms; 46:15 for the junior men's 9kms; and 27:00 for the junior girl's 4.7kms.

If you cannot run, but are interested in helping, still needed are a few more marshalls out on the course and people who can take pics. Contact John Harding by email at or by phone on 6248 6905.

Monday, 4 June 2007

Monday Morning.

No "Monitor" this morning - no scales; probably a good thing. I ran 19k in over 2 hours before lunch. Not real quick, but it was a little hot.

1. The Call Centre Announcement

2. A reminder: the standard fee deadline for entries into the 2007 Gold Coast Airport Marathon and associated events is Wednesday 6 June. Entries received from Thursday 7 June onwards will attract a $20 late fee so get your entries in now and save! For all the event details and online entry please go to

Sunday, 3 June 2007

We better get going if we are going to stay ahead of the weather.

Doomben 2007: After running the first three kms at 4:20s and feeling awful, I jogged the next two at 5s wondering if I should pull out. Then I saw the 1:40 balloons catching up and decided I would at least try to stay ahead of them for as long as I could. With a combination of painful shuffles and intermittent surges I held them off to the end. Final result, a terribly slow ~98:56. Part of the motivation to at least break 1:40 was that my very comfortable Canberra Marathon halfway split this year was 1:40:00.

So that is that. Before I race again, I must repair my left leg! Or trade it in for a new one.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Do you think you're an idiot?

Here's a test to prove it:

Missing link! It works. Thanks Aki... I just proved I'm not an idiot! (Ewen)

Lots of red buttons to press here. :)

Friday, 1 June 2007

not happy

Today in Brisbane I rear-ended a car at some lights whilst not paying attention.

Anyway the fella who was driving got out... And he was a dwarf!!!!

He said "I'm not happy"........

I said "Well which one are you then?"