last week's target: 120k
achieved: 120k
year total to date: 1,869k in 18 weeks
this week’s target: 100k or so
weight: 63kg ►◄
A report has come through that at the Jogalong yesterday morning Katie ran the minijog with speedyMeg, speedyJackson sped away too, and Helen ran with speedyJack. Much more fun than racing the 6k.
The local half marathon is only six days away. I will only ease off the last couple of days. I plan to set out "too fast" and see what happens. Some speedygeese are running the half marathon eve 5k on Saturday so I will go and cheer them on.
Otherwise, a normal week looms, with BBQ Stakes on Wednesday, speed work Monday and Thursday, and a long run at Vets on Tuesday followed by birthday champagne.
There is good news on my "weight' - I tried on a pair of trousers I haven't worn since the early 1990s because they became too small, and they fit me again. Snug, but wearable.
OK, who's going to the "Banana Leaf" next Monday?
Amanda & Helen at Mt Majura