Wednesday, 9 May 2007

The kilometers are looking bigger

Monthly Women's Jogalong Result (last Sunday) included
Helen Larmour W45 27:10
Charmaine Knobel W55 29:18
Margaret McSpadden W60 33:12
Caroline Campbell W60 32:24
189 finishers

BBQ Stakes
I ran a slower 26:30 today after a 25:15 last week. It didn't feel any slower! It is just the body refusing to run fast knowing there is a half marathon coming up. Helen ran a minute slower than me, also preparing for the half marathon.

Half marathon focus
In 2005 my times were:
Weston Creek 1:39.12
Canberra 1:59.51 (2 hour pacer, no recognition)
ACTVAC 1:30.48

In 2006 (mostly better):
Weston Creek 1:33.40
Canberra 1:34.20
Queensland 1:29.55
ACTVAC 1:32.51

And in 2007 so far:
Weston Creek 1:29.35

So in Canberra this Sunday my primary target is to beat last year’s 1:34.20 for the same race. The secondary target is to break 1:30, and the ultimate target is to get in under 1:28. Therefore I will attempt to start off at 4:10 per km, and if I maintain that pace to the very end, achieve a 1:27.50. However today in the 6k my first k was 4:35, so it will be very hard for me, I fear.