Saturday, 24 March 2007

prolonging the life of the geese

Quote of the day: "An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry" - T. S. Eliot

Thursday's track results
M45 Colin Farlow 10:16
M45 Richard Faulks 11:13
M50 Geoff Sims 13:06
W35 Amanda Walker 12:27
W50 Kathy Southgate 10:45 88.9%
W55 Kathy Sims 13:03

allrounder was delighted to run a pb of 13:32. Will she be the next big improver to break through the 13 minute barrier?

Pennington 1500m
1 Kevin Chamberlain M60 5:05
2 Mick Horan M45 4:41
3 Amalendu Edelsten M45 4:43
4 Ken White M50 5:02
7 Tony Booth M65 5:58
14 Neil Boden M55 6:07
17 Roger "6 foot" Pilkington M45 6:52

spiral 8
4 Kathy Sims W55 15:03
6 Geoff Barker M60 17:06
8 Kathy Southgate W50 13:33
11 Katie Forestier W40 13:37
12 Ken White M50 13:38
14 Kevin Chamberlain M60 14:32
16 Neil Boden M55 14:49
24 Amalendu Edelsten M45 12:22
27 Tony Booth M65 18:16
30 Roger Pilkington M45 16:02

Things I (re)learned today:
1. Don't wear new shoes in a 32km run
2. Don't assume that, just because you can run 24k at 5min per k comfortably, you can therefore run 32k at 4:30 per k comfortably.
3. You really should carbo load for runs that take more than two hours, even if they are "only" tempo runs.

I went through 21k comfortably in 97 mins, but was walking by 26k.