Hey today I thought I would include a few interesting links so you can waste, sorry, invest time browsing yet more websites.
Canberra Marathon entrants http://www.canberramarathon.com.au/index.php?pageid=132 - entries close soon.
A man with real style! Millionaire winner - watch the movie, it's great.
Running news, from the elite down to the six foot trackers and everything in between. http://www.coolrunning.com.au/ - I read it most weeks.
Athletics at the Australasian Masters in October http://www.sportingpulse.com/assoc_page.cgi?assoc=3719&pID=13 - I have already entered.
Just one of hundreds of running bloggers http://oscar065.blogspot.com/ - but wait there's more.
The world’s most boring blog http://mostboringbloginuniverse.blogspot.com/ - do you know writers like this?
Joan Nesbit Mabe http://www.runningland.com/ - she writes well!
Athletics around the world http://www.iaaf.org/ - revamped and good value
There that should keep everyone happy for today. If not, there are a few more links on my sidebar.