Thursday, 15 March 2007

golden grandson

The 4 x 800m relay tonight has been swapped to 7:30pm.

My considered opinion is ; people who raced the half marathon shouldn't race again or do serious speed work for at least two weeks. Possibly three weeks! Even if they feel OK, they will surely pay for it. I have mentioned this before - when I penned the list of "Running Principles".

Here are the results of Tuesday's Summer Series race, Stage 88 5k
17. Thea Zimpel 22:23
46. Carolyne Kramar W40 27:54
54. Pam Faulks W45 31:11
66 finishers

34. Richard Faulks M45 19:24
39. Mick Horan M45 19:40
51. David Webster M55 20:52
56. Bob Harlow M55 21:15
69. Mick Saunders M55 22:46
78. Neil Boden M55 23:59
83. Mick Charlton M55 25:04
97 finishers

speedy grandson Jarod entered the maximum of 6 events at the LILAC (Lake Illawarra Little Athletics Club) championships, and blitzed them:
U/6 Boys 50m run
1 Jarod Falconer 9.9

U/6 Boys 70m run
1 Jarod Falconer 14.0

U/6 Boys 100m run
1 Jarod Falconer 21.0

U/6 Boys 200m run
1 Jarod Falconer 41.9

U/6 Boys Discus
1 Jarod Falconer 9.74

U/6 Boys Pack Start (300m)
1 Jarod Falconer 1-07.2