Have a headache? Take an Aspirin. Have marital issues? Get a divorce, or have an affair. Don’t like the way you look? Cosmetic surgery, or a new wardrobe. Hungry? Chocolate, or Kentucky Fried, await you day and night.
Well, don't let's cave in to the majority view. A huge benefit of distance running is, we learn life skills for enduring necessary pain. This is all very different from the majority, which prefers to avoid pain whenever possible. Let's not lose out to the pressures society puts on us, let us instead apply what we learn as runners and athletes, to all parts of our life.
Fly goose fly!
1. On this Thursday evening's program
6.00 3000m
6.15 100m
7.00 1500m
7.30 400m
8.00 4x200m Relay
8.15 3000/5000m
2. There will be discussion on the success or otherwise of the joint Track and Field meetings of the last two weeks(and the desirability of us taking part). Please send feedback to Alice, who would like to hear from as many of you as attended. For or against (with reasons) - either would be useful.
3. I say the opportunity to run with different opponents is good, merging the two groups for a time can only benefit both groups, especially when numbers may be down, Mutual respect grows. And I enjoyed the change. Please send Alice your views.