My training progress
last week's target: 110k
achieved: 101k
this week’s target: 100k or so
weight: 64kg and steady
quote of the week: " Low Wages Said Key to Poverty " - Newsday
Last week was the week I ran a 1500m race in 5:23.62, smashing and annihilating last year’s pb of 5:23.65, by 0.03 seconds. Hurray for electronic timing! And a week where I stretched every day bar one. And did a set of 100m runs in training. As a result I have ended up stiff and sore. My guess, it’s the stretching that has done it; any activity an oldie starts doing that he hasn’t done for a while will inevitably cause some pain.
.03 - Licence suspension? Fine? No, 1500m improvement in 12 months. At this rate I will crack the 5 minute barrier as an M845.
song of the week: Thom Yorke - Atoms For Peace, from "The Eraser"
“No more going to the dark side with your flying saucer eyes
No more falling down a wormhole that I have to pull you out
The wriggling, squiggling worm inside
Devours from the inside out
No more talk about the old days
It's time for something great
I want you to get out
And make it work
So many lies
So many lies
So many lies
So feel the love come off of them
And take me in your arms
Peel all of your layers off
I want to eat your artichoke heart
No more leaky holes in your brain
And no false starts
I wanna get out
And make it work
So many lies
So many lies
So many lies
So feel the love come off of them
And take me in your arms
I wanna get out
And make it work
I want you to get out
And make it work
I'll be ok
So many lies
So many lies
So many lies
So feel the love come off of them
And take me in your arms”

1. The forecast for Thursday is 36 degrees. I will wait and see if I really want to run a 10k race Thursday at the track. Very doubtful.
2. There are maps, of sorts, on the side bar to show where we train. The larger versions cover a larger area than the thumbnails, as well as showing the detail more clearly. It’s the best I can do at the moment. “P” means where you may park, of course. And “X” marks the spot.
3. At Parliament House tonight, another variation on a relay theme…..