Monday, 4 December 2006

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path

quote of the week: "If you've never failed at anything you’re not trying hard enough"

green spots

speedyjosiah with chicken pox

My training progress
last week's target: 100k, actual 91k
this week’s target: 90k
weight: 64kg

Reporting a week where I started feeling strong and ended feeling tired: in other words, a normal week!

song of the week: The Clock – Thom Yorke – from "The Eraser"

“Time is running out for us,
But you just move the hands upon the clock”


1. So, what movie is today's title from? Hint: same as yesterday's.

2. For my training group, everyone is invited to the 12/12 dinner, rsvp 11/12

3. And Saturday training at Aranda starts in the new year (Join me there on 30/12 if you wish).