Thursday, 23 November 2006

Improving our club's website

To describe the agony of a marathon to someone who's never run it is like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind - Jerome Drayton

The ACTVAC website is poised to become the club's main communication vehicle. I wonder how many ACT Vets are in the habit of using it?

Having discovered that otherwise well informed club members are still not accessing the ACTVAC web site, I have decided to acquaint readers with some of the features.

The news at is updated weekly if not more frequently.

All race results are at, and you can drill down and get your ARCHIVED TRACK AND FIELD RESULTS, which have not been available until now. Thursday night results seem to be up by Sunday. (I am not sure why the delay).

The latest Vetrunner is at, as of this moment it is still the November issue but the December version should appear any day now.

The website should be used by more members very soon, because the future of Vetrunner magazine is in doubt, with no guarantee there will be a January issue. In fact there won’t be one unless an editor is found. We have been searching for 18 months. The best Masters running magazine in Australia may be no more.

Improvements to the website are coming. Suggestions can be sent to me! So if it does become our main communication vehicle, how can we improve it? What should it contain? Please inform me and I will implement all good suggestions!

Bye for now, I am off to watch the cricket (on TV with the sound off) and listen to it (on the radio). As one does. Then I may struggle around a 3k tonight, but I felt some worrying niggles running yesterday, so this may not be possible.

What we don't want to see half way through a road race.

[Edit. bloglines seems not to have noticed me lately so I am editing a post to see if that can activate it.... a long shot I am sure]