As a student who majored in mathematics and philosophy many moons ago, I am seriously attempting to amuse somebody out there with jokes I laugh at. Laughter from readers has been scarce, I don't know why. But I will keep trying. There has been *some* response.
An engineer, an experimental physicist, a theoretical physicist, and a philosopher were hiking through the hills of Scotland. Cresting the top of one hill, they see, on top of the next, a black sheep. The engineer says: "What do you know, the sheep in Scotland are black." "Well, *some* of the sheep in Scotland are black," replies the experimental physicist. The theoretical physicist considers this for a moment and says "Well, at least one of the sheep in Scotland is black." "Well," the philosopher responds, "on one side, anyway."
Yet another attempt at a joke:
A biologist, a physicist, and a mathematician are sitting in an outdoor cafe. They watch two people go into a building across the street. Shortly thereafter, three people come out.
"Hmm," says the biologist. "It looks like they reproduced."
"Nah," says the physicist. "There was obviously error in our initial measurement."
The mathematician looks up from his coffee. "Who cares? If another person goes in, it'll be empty."
Running quote of the day: "As you get fitter, it never gets easier, you just go faster" - Greg LeMond
As planned I am starting to run better today. After three hard days in a row I had a thoroughly enjoyable 19k run this morning. The best I have felt since late June. And isn't it nice to get some sun?