Monday, 28 August 2006

Hot Rod

quote of the week: “The difference between the mile and the marathon is the difference between burning your fingers with a match and being slowly roasted over hot coals.” - Hal Higdon

My training progress
last week's target: 80k actual 75k
this week’s target: 95k and 120 mins on the stepper
weight: 62kg and falling
song of the week: Running – Evermore, from "Real Life" - “let my feet hit the ground, running”

I have had a shocking cold since Thursday and couldn’t breathe too well in the half marathon. It was still the fastest of my three Canberra halves this year, but three minutes slower than at Doomben. If not for the cold, on current form a realistic expectation was sub 1:29, probably still short of my 1:27.30 target I had for 2006. However I will have to be content with 1:32.50 on a day when I was crook and felt like death not warmed up.

Now for some decent training; only three weeks to a shot at a fast 10k. No more halves until next year.

David Hume: Out of custom and habit.

I might have had a cold but Rod was hot.
Rod Lynch ran his maiden half marathon yesterday and was the fastest from the training group.