Thursday, 17 August 2006


"Most mistakes in a race are made in the first two minutes, perhaps in the very first minute." - Jack Daniels, Exercise Physiologist and Coach

Will we have to start getting used to this warmer weather! I have thrown all the doors and windows open, to let this early spring breeze into our house. It is 17 degrees in Canberra today, very pleasant.

Although, looking at the clouds now gathering to the west, will it last?

Canberra Times Fun Run - training group team
Everyone who trains with us is welcome to join the "speedy geese". But because we are entering as a team, all the forms for the team must be sent in together. So just give me your entry form, with mastercard details filled in as payment, by my deadline of Sunday 27 August. Or at the very latest, Monday 28 August at training. Any later and you will miss out. You cannot just add the team name in a separate entry.

Note also that, like last year, the race itself starts at 9:45am

Footnote. Please feel free to form and enter in other teams instead of this one, if you wish, specially if there is an age group team you are interested in forming. There are some “speedier geese” doing just that – Matthew, Tony B, Ken G I think. Go the Team Moore Sprinters!

But if not, the more the merrier, join us! Team Type is 1, team name is SPEEDY GEESE, entry forms to me

Darwin: It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees.