I missed the BBQ Stakes today - it looked like a good day for it, another balmy 14 degrees like Saturday was, albeit muddy under foot I would think - but I was sore from yesterday's Lake Ginninderra 7k, and just jogged 9k today at 6 minute pace.
Then after my bi-monthly* massage from michael today I also attended dr back-quack** whose manipulations I used to rely on when the miles were many, but since converting to kms, have only needed an irregular grease and oil change. You see I couldn't believe it had been twelve months since I saw him last; my lower back no longer screams for relief after only a few weeks, no symptoms have been evident. Sure enough, everything was in place, and I was cheerily told "see you in twelve months" as I departed, a few dollars down.
*bi-monthly = twice a month, or alternatively, once every two months. How often I go to my masseur depends on the extent and frequency of running induced damage. And whether my medical benefits have run out as we close in on a year's end.
**Dr back-quack. A nice enough fellow I also see walking around Mt Taylor in my once-a-year masochist run around the mountain with the Vets. As this annual event is unhappily rolling around this Sunday, have a look for him strolling by as we curse our way upwards or free fall downwards in what is laughingly called a "race". We also know it as a "handicap", a much more accurate term.
Here's something interesting - the Adelaide marathon times for every race for every runner can be found at http://adelaidemarathonstats.minuteboard.com/m/b/go.html. I appear three times.
Here's something interesting; another in the "Maxine" series.
p.s. it looks like netspeed email is in trouble today. I don't know if that means I am missing emails or not. Only one email had got through today and that was from Friar (thanks for the info I requested, Doug)