Friday, 16 June 2006

Sprinklers and Splices

I went to the Customs 30th anniversary run today, it was nice to see the sun and a temperature in double figures (yes, ten degrees!). A lot of people turned out who don't normally go, as well as old faces from the distant past, and regulars. In the new-comers category there were many Team-Moore-ese friends such as Jimbo, Geoff "six foot" Barker, Helen, Cate me Mate, and even Jill the day before her wedding day.

Flashduck produced some cleverly hinged results boards she had made which she can carry folded up on her bicycle. Oh if I only had half the brains she has.

Excuses first. I had a hard training session last night, had two errands on the way into town and did not have time for more than 3kms warmup which given the cold day and my state of soreness was too little, sprinklers were on over the track, and part of the path behind Regatta Point was covered with machinery and closed forcing a detour up and down the icy grass.

So with all that in mind (blow by blow description coming up) I decided I would jog and not race, and picked Phill to run with. But he left early and I missed him, so I decided to start with Jodie. I got ready but she'd gone early too! Then I decided I would run with Helen, but she started too soon too, with Rosemary, and I missed her as well. So then I decided to start with Allrounder. Any later and it would be up to my real start time! The brain was surely in slow motion today. At 14:30 we set off, Allrounder taking off (as usual) and at 2km I finally caught her having had to push it to keep her in sight! Then I more or less ran with her to the end. 21.59 is OK for a "jog".

Next - Terry Fox 10k on Sunday. Can I persuade myself to race this one?

Have you tried the blogger spellchecker?

Blogger Spellchecker suggestions for this post are as follows.

Jimbo - jumbo
Cate - CAT
Flashduck - plastics
Phill - Philly
Allrounder - alarmed
warmup - harrumph
blogger - blocker
and finally, spellchecker - splices

All very apt I think.