Saturday, 6 May 2006


Numbers on a cool night for the hardy few
What we did on Thursday on my birthday - 25 people trained at Dickson, 18 of whom ran in 6 relay teams of 3, while of the others 2 left early, 1 only walked, 2 arrived late and jogged around, and 2 jogged in reverse & were reserves for the relay teams. Each relay team member did 6 400s in lane 4 with a 400m jog in lane 6. I was 58.

Running in a warm climate
As we brace ourselves for a Canberra winter, some might be interested in training up for a track competition in November in Queensland?
There is a big Masters competition at the Gold Coast this year. It is the 2006 Pan Pacific Masters Games. Distances range up to 10k on the track.

Competition Dates:
Track & Field - Saturday 4 - Tuesday 7 November
Cross Country - Sunday 5 November

Venue Details:
Track & Field - Gold Coast City Athletics Track, University Drive, Griffith University, Southport
Cross Country - To be confirmed
Road Race Walk - Gold Coast City Council grounds, off Bundall Rd, Bundall

More info here including the competition program.

Stretching is for everyone