Monday, 15 May 2006


last week did very little except "raced" the half marathon
this week’s target 80km plus?
song of the week - Everything by Lifehouse
quote of the week "If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?"

The Jogalong results from the 7th and the Half results from the 14th are not available yet, so I will have to talk about something else... despite the crummy time I ran in the Half, my next target is the Queensland Half at Doomben in three weeks time, when I may plan to set off at 4:10 per km, slightly faster than yesterday. Up in Brisbane as long as the course is flat I should be OK with this, for as far as I can tell heat is not a limiting factor at the moment in my running, rather injury is. Let's just hope my back problems repair by then.

There was so much traffic on the course yesterday it's a wonder more people were not injured. From our training group, Barbara T had an altercation with a cyclist and was at the finish line somewhat bloodied. Her glasses were smashed, I hope she is alright. A half marathon is bad enough without that. And the doughy girl who did it just rode off.

A reminder to look up regularly the “coming events" link in the side bar. I keep it up to date. That way you will be sure that training sessions or on, or when any special events might be happening. Like tonight.

Have a good week everybody.