Saturday, 8 April 2006

Thursday Track Times

The final track and field night on Thursday was cold windy and poorly attended. Methinks the season was a tad long.

Why have the 5000m championships three days before the marathon? ... and there are many more questions one could ask about the program.

Overall our training group did very well again this season.
Here are Thursday's Team Moore times.

M45 Roger Pilkington 14:41
W55 Barbara Tucker 14:39

M45 Gary Bowen 3:16.61
M45 Roger Pilkington 4:00.01
M65 Tony Booth 3:56.30
W55 Maureen Rossiter 4:02.05
W55 Barbara Tucker 4:49.01

W35 Karen Davis 29.46
W55 Maureen Rossiter 32.56

5000m championships
M45 Amalendu Edelsten 17:22.33 gold
M45 Roger Pilkington 20:30.19 bronze
M55 Neil Boden 22:56.65 bronze
M65 Tony Booth 23:36.16 gold
W40 Katie Forestier 20:53.52 gold
W45 Helen Larmour 20:30.27 gold
W50 Maria O'Reilly 20:44.92 gold

...well you had to be in it to win it!

The balloons are because it is Jenny's (my wife's) 58th birthday today. Why, did you think there was another reason?