25 Katie 20:42 big pb
27 Maria 20:45 W50 winner
28 Helen 20:47 big pb
Gabe 22:53
Kathy 23:20
Caroline 23:50 W60 winner
Charmaine 23:55
Sarah 23:56
Barbara 25:05
Michelle 25:20
Jill B 25:31
Jodi 26:36
Rae 26:43
Consie 29:10 W70 winner
Great effort from the speedy threesome; showing how, when you train together, you can spur one another on and improve together.
The mother-and-daughter-under-20 category was won by "Speedylegs" with a combined time of 38 minutes. Mother Speedylegs, known in Cool Running circles as "Southy", reads this blog. Congratulations and we are flattered that you borrowed our nomenclature.
At the Fun Run I met up with Michelle (pregnant), Erin (pregnant) and Cecilia (pregnant). More speedylegs on the way to be sure.
5. Thea Zimpel 17:34
12. Lisa Wilson W35 20:45
13. Barbara Tucker W55 21:02
14. Jill Pearson W45 21:33
18. David Webster M50 15:45
35. John Alcock M60 18:37
37. Geoff Barker M60 19:09
47. Geoff Moore M55 22:03
Note that I was practicing running at 5:35 pace, in preparation for the marathon. The first km was 15 seconds too fast (not bad!) and the other three spot on.