Friday, 3 March 2006
When you're on a good thing ... stick to it!
I wonder how many runners chop and change their training from month to month or even from week to week?
Assuming they even have a plan. The place where I worked had a whole lot of runners who trained most lunchtimes. In the change rooms it was commonly heard "where will we run today?" No plan. Just a wish to get out of the office and run. As a result, every run was the same; little variation in distance or intensity, and no progress made towards improving fitness.
In December I outlined a simple plan here which I have since been translating into monthly, weekly and daily goals. It was just to "build up to 110k per week and maintain all current speed sessions". This plan has been working really well as my times are finally starting to improve!
The key is (a) have a plan (b) make sure it is a good plan (c) stick to it.
It is often the stick-to-it part people have trouble with.
Give running close to the plan a reasonable priority. And don't get at all discouraged when you don't see results or when you plateau . That's normal, it's not just you! Stick to it and the results will come.
Even one bad day can discourage some people and they give up straight away. Hang in there! Put the bad days behind you and see what tomorrow brings.
Have a training plan – just ONE plan - with plenty of variety so you won't get bored – then stick to it.