Tuesday, 3 January 2006

Grass Seeds and Tiny Bugs

Grass Seeds
The hot weather here has dried everything out, and removing grass seeds from socks and shoes has become a popular activity after each training run.

Tiny Bugs
The hot weather has also brought a plague of tiny bugs which like to gather around my bedlamp at night, waiting for me to switch it off so they can spread out and invade nose, ears etc. Little clouds of them greet us on our runs.

How We Trained
Fortunately Parliament House featured neither grass seeds nor tiny bugs last night, as thirteen of us ran three intervals of just under a kilometre with a good break in between. The little oval we met on has shower as well as toilet facilities, I discovered last night. Very handy for cooling down between intervals.

Welcome to our training group, Karen.

For the next few Mondays we will do similar longish intervals. There is a sprinters' option too - shorter intervals, longer recovery.