Sunday, 15 January 2006

Calendar Change

Tuesday Training
There is a new plan for Tuesday training - it is no more!

If you are desperate for a hard Tuesday run, there is always the Summer Series starting soon.

I will attend some of the Summer Series but track/marathon training is the priority.

Speaking of marathons ...

Saturday Sessions

A new Saturday morning session at Aranda replaces Tuesdays..
... 9:00 am on Saturdays from this week and on. A proposed schedule is

9:05 am slow warm-up run Aranda Hill anti-clockwise (latecomers and/or sprinters if any could warm-up on the ovals)
9:30 am warm-up drills on the grass
9:40 am speed training
10:05 am cool-down run Aranda Hill clockwise
10:30 am head home before the heat strikes.

Parking is behind Aranda Primary School, off Banambila Street.
Tri Trials

I went out to see the novice triathlon this morning - perfect conditions, cool air, warm water. Quite a few from the Team competed - Bob Harlow, Roger Pilkington, John Stoney, Caroline Campbell, and Strewth. Not quite my kittle of fush, but fun to watch.