Friday, 16 December 2005

Spiral 8 results

Spiral 8 results for Team Moore - run last night.

We took all the places. We had all raced ourselves out in the heat first, of course!

All runners were eligible. Very good runs then from Nev and Tony. I tip Gary to win the next spiral, on 19 January. Unless of course Ewen decides to run instead of walk, in which case we can anticipate the first ever two lap victory in a four lapper. Go Gary!

1 Nev Madden 14:08
2 Tony Booth 15:02
3 Ewen Thompson19:41
4 Maria O'Reilly 14:16
6 Rod Lynch 12:40
7 Katie Forestier 14:29
8 Gary Bowen 14:30
10 Roger Pilkington 13:10
11 Kevin Chamberlain 14:01
19 Neil Boden 15:44
20 Geoff Moore 14:56