Thursday, 3 November 2005

Sore arms!

Yes I started my gym training yesterday - good really, did more running than i thought I could do, and took it very easy on the gym work - or so I thought. My arms have come up very sore this morning! And I must add sit ups to the routine!!!!

Wednesday at CU
stepper - 20 minutes at level 8, "steady" workout, calf OK.
gym - 3 x forward chinups - 3, 3, nearly 3
3 x reverse chinups, 1, 1, approximately 1
6 x 20 hip flexor exercises
run on oval - 20 minutes shuffle, estimate 3k. Left calf is still sore when running. (As is right achilles, but that has been so for thirty years). Lovely warm day for it!

I am hoping to run (or hobble!) 30k this week, 40k next week, etc etc! My masseur was sick on Monday so I didn't get the treatment on the calf I was planning. It's rescheduled for Friday. I have been stretching and icing. (a bit).

Next race? No idea. Probably January. But I am very wary of testing myself on the hard synthetic track first up.