Wednesday, 16 November 2005

How we trained

Tuesday night was COLD and windy but that didn't deter six hardy souls from turning up at North Lyneham for training. The previous week we did two one km runs with a km jog between; the jog is "compulsory" on the back part of the loop because our track has been seriously dug up there, as expected, near the GDE roadworks. Even though the road itself shouldn't impinge directly on that recreational area, of course it does. What can the furious locals do? Grumble; or throw money down the drain like the Save O'Connor Ridge group did. Not much you can do about government decisions based on economic considerations alone. We even voted for the party with the right policy then after the election they back flipped. Bur enough of that...

This week we ran our 3km warmup then did two laps over the central hill, about 1400m, attempting to run the second lap faster than the first (which everyone did). Then four 100m sprints, also up hill, and we reckon we are ready for the Pennington race on Thursday (or at least Tony, Maria, Colin and Gary are; Jenny and I won't be racing it). And at the end the 3km cool down of course.

Afterwards I found a message on my mobile from CJ saying the weather was sus and she wouldn't make it - never mind, CJ (and Ruth and Carolyne) did well in the Tour de Femme on Sunday and deserve a day off.

Now I am off to South Canberra, hoping to catch up with Amanda and Ben James Farlow, just five days old, before they are discharged from hospital. If I don't see them today, they are bound to visit the track for an hour this week or next. I might even jog the BBQ stakes today if I get there on time; yesterday was the first day I have actually stretched out a little in training since the calf tear. It's not 100% but it's getting there.